My Top 10 Albums

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Center Text Number 10: Sirenia's Nine Destinies and A Downfall This is the first album that I've ever listened full and the first Symphonic Metal album I heard which was the genre that kick started my music listening as a whole, this is an album that holds a special place in my heart even though I do not feel as strongly as I felt when I first listened to it, now even though it's something meaningful and special it just doesn't give me shivers and makes me feel like i'm discovering something new, I would like to mention that I also listened regularly to ''Save Me From Myself'' another Sirenia's song from other album in this point of time, I used to listen to that and this album on repeat while playing ''LAND OF THE DEAD : Road to Fiddler's Green'' and have a blast.

Windows 96

Center Text Number 9: Windows 96 One Hundred Mornings This is a more recent pick, I love Synthwave and Vaporwave music ever since I was introduced to it by memes and stupid Youtubers in 2015, as though I always wanted to hear this sound made from scratch instead of it using samples, this album fills that desire perfectly, i have listened to it on repeat for a few months now, all of the Windows 96 catalog of music is as good as the last one I wonder if I could ever make music as good as this, if you haven't heard this musician's work I highly recommend it to you.

Nox Arcana

Center Text Number 8: Nox Arcana's Grimm Tales, although I'm not that into listening to it as a whole album, Nox Arcana has to be my full inspiration into starting to make music, I remember my brother making a song that I called ''Sickness Dissapears'' with a music box similar to this sound and I felt like maybe I could make something too, it wasn't until I discovered DAWs and the fact that you could make music that I made my first song called ''Redrum'' and it sucked really hard, but then I made my second song ''Reminiscent'' that had another title I can't remember now but it is on the first Silence Awaits album ''The Sighting''


Center Text Number 7: Mayhem De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas is the first black metal album I learned riffs from, I had been playing guitar ever since I started high school and never in my life had heard a sound that was so harsh and nonsensical, this is an album that made me realize that music could've a lot more than just good sounding harmonies and melodies, that you could just do whatever you wanted as long as it made some kind of sense, I was really into the story about what happened with it's members as much as I was into the music, so this was a really interesting journey for me.


Center Text Number 6: Hymn to the Immortal Wind is an album that reminds me of the worst I've ever felt in my life, I listened to it to ease my thoughts and just not think of anything, I think it is not that high on the list because it just reminds me of how I felt then, this represents to me the feeling when you're just living without a purpose and waiting to die, I know this probably wasn't the authors purpose while making the music and my interpretation of it is encapsulated in that feeling and moment but that's what I can recall from listening to it.


Center Text Number 5: Radiohead, In Rainbows picking only an album from Radiohead it's pretty hard as I love a lot of them and they have a lot of songs i'm really into, but In Rainbows probably has the most songs I really love in a single album, I discovered them through VH1 when the music video for ''Creep'' played, I felt a connection instantly, and then my brother started listening to songs like ''Fake Plastic Trees'', ''No Suprises'' and ''High And Dry'', that's when I just figured out they weren't just another generic rock band, they were one of the greatest artists of all time and they have a lot of the best albums that have ever been made, I also would suggest you hear a song I had a lot of trouble finding because I just didn't remind the name of it from them but used to listen a lot when they released it called ''Staircase''.


Center Text Number 4: The Beatles, A Hard's Day Night, this album of The Beatles contains most of the songs I hear regularly and passionately from them, ''And I love Her'' and ''I Fell Fell'' along with Ritchie Valens interpretation of ''We Belong Together'' and ''Donna'' have to be the best love song ballads ever recorded.


Center Text Number 3: Silent Hill 2 Soundtrack by Akira Yamaoka, I know it's a bit of a random pick after a lot of the greatest artist of all time, when I was a kid I just wouldn't listen to any music from any regular artists, I would just jump to listen to the soundtracks of the games I played like Super Mario 64 and The Legend Of Zelda, it all changed when I bought my first used Playstation 2 Slim in color Silver, then all I would listen to was Silent Hill music from all of the games that had came up at that time, I loved the sound of the music specially the ones sung by Mary Elizabeth McGlynn and just wished there was a full album of music like this, turns out that's just Portishead lol, anyways I still love this game's music as much as then and listen to it now and then, I also used the music for a Creepypasta channel I used to have in like 2012 or 2011, I have no negative memories attached to this just amazing memories.


Center Text Number 2: Enchanted by Emilie Autumn, if Sirenia was my first introduction to music made by actual artists, Emilie Autumn was my first introduction to being obsessed with an artist, this was the first time I would listen to a full discography, Emilie Autumn as a singer and a violin player was one of the most incredible things I've seen from a solo artist, the style and aestethic just hit the place I needed it to hit, the industrial sound just reminded me enough of what I heard before and the lyrics just felt like something I never heard before, and I haven't heard anything similar to it since, altough in my mind i'm also talking about ''Opheliac'' another album of Emilie Autumn that contains much more graphic and intense lyrics, I think Opheliac was when Emilie Autumn really found her ground, but Enchant is the album I come back to everytime. Enchant is an album that holds up for me, even though I do notice the flaws it has today, the only thing that maybe sounds similar to it is ''Fairyland'' by Angelzoom and I don't think it comes close as being so magical, this album is like a dream you don't wanna wake up from, it reminds me of the first time I fell in love, the first time I felt heartbroken, it's always nice to look back at the things you enjoyed back then and find out you enjoy them just as much even if you aren't the same person you were.


Center Text Number 1: Nirvana's Nevermind, I started going out of a depression that lasted a long time, I felt like I started getting out of it with the help of Nirvana's music, I had listened to a few of Nirvana songs through my adolescence but just though nothing of it, just felt like it was stupid loud music with no meaning, it wasn't until I was out of highschool that I started listening to them for real, I started learning all of the songs of Nevermind in guitar and then I started writting songs, while doing this I discovered how hard it was to sing like Kurt Cobain and how special his vocals were, his lyrics where where weird and obscure everything about it was special, I still listen to Nevermind and enjoy it from start to finish, one of the greatest albums of all time in which I can say all of the songs are great and really have no complains about none of them. Also an extra thing is when I was a child I started jumping on the bed, and for a brief second I could see myself floating in the air with wings on my back, there was light shining behind me in an angle oddly similar to the one in this album cover, it was so weird, the first time I saw this album cover it reminded me of it, although I wasn't interested in hearing it just because of that because the first song I heard from this album was in Rock Band 2 and when I was a kid the song ''Drain You'' just wasn't it.